Compresstech Resources, Inc.

5 Essential Tips to Prevent Air Compressor Overheating

Overheating is one of the most common causes of air compressor failure. It can lead to expensive repair costs and if the damage is extensive, it requires a replacement. It also compels your company to halt production until the compressor is functional again which has a negative impact on your profits.


Fortunately, there are ways you can avoid extremely high temperatures on your machine to allow your company to operate at maximum capacity. Read on to know the signs you should not overlook and the  5 essential tips that help prevent air compressor overheating.


4 Common Signs That Tell Your Air Compressor is Overheating


It’s important to remember that air compressors normally get hot because of the processes required from it. The machine is able to cool down on its own as it reaches its endpoint. 


However, you should be wary if the air becomes too hot for the machine to handle. You should be aware of the indicators of air compressor overheating to prevent costly problems in the future. To help you, here are some common signs to look out for.

1. Problems in Turning On


This is one of the most important indicators of overheating problems in your air compressor. You should also take note if the machine is having difficulty during startup and experiences a prolonged time to get into full operational mode.


Furthermore, you should take notice if the air compressor requires extended time in between usage cycles. This can only mean that the internal parts of the machine are taking a lot longer to cool down.

2. Accelerated Wear


One tell-tale sign of an overheated air compressor is the fact that the machine is wearing down at an accelerated pace. You should be especially aware of new machines that are already facing performance issues in handling the most basic demands. This implies that its vents, oil, and condenser parts are not assessed properly which can eventually lead to overheating.

3. Weird Noises and Smells


If you smell burnt oil or hear faint creaking noises from the machine, you should take these two issues as clear-cut indicators that your air compressor is experiencing an overheating problem. It also signifies oil erosion within the machine which can ultimately damage it.


You should inspect and fix oil-related issues as soon as possible to prevent the harmful ripple effect on the internal operation methods of your air compressor. 


4. Tripping of Circuit Breaker


A circuit breaker maintains the required flow of electricity in an air compressor. When essential, it also stops the current to ensure a protective measure for the machine’s quality and performance. However, if it trips unsystematically and acts in an erratic way, it can generate a large amount of heat which has a bad effect on your machine.


5 Essential Tips to Avoid Air Compressor Overheating


Overheating badly affects your system performance and lowers your company’s energy efficiency. This can ultimately impact your production line which leads to lesser profits gained. Fortunately, these 5 essential tips can keep your compressor from overheating to ensure the health and life span of your machinery.

1. Conduct Regular Inspection of Oil Levels and Filters


It’s a must to inspect the oil level of your air compressor on a regular basis to guarantee that there is enough amount of it to handle your production line’s demands.


You should ensure that the oil used in the compressor is healthy like other motorized machines. Consider the density of the oil and avoid those with a watery and thin viscosity as this can lead to excess heat if the air compressor is running. Lastly, you should always check the oil filters every time an inspection is conducted.

2. Improve Ventilation


If you want to resolve the overheating issues faced by your machine, one of the most important steps you should take is to improve both internal and external ventilation. Make sure that each vent is the right size for your operation at hand and able to take on the demands of the machine.


Furthermore, do consider the work area where you will be putting up your machine.  It should have adequate ventilation to ensure the compressor’s working process remains cool enough.

3. Examine Ducting Frequently


However, don’t expect that the improved layout of your workspace is enough to keep your compressor from overheating. You should still examine the ducting and ventilation frequently. Make sure to clean all the dust and dirt that can accumulate as these elements can hinder your machine’s working flow.

4. Upgrade Outdated Compressor Parts


It’s important to know that your company’s requirements and operations change and your air compressor should be able to meet those heavy demands.


You should consider updating your air compressor with more optimal parts, especially if your production line has demanded a larger amount of power. You can also have your machine assessed by service experts and they will readily point you out to an upgrade that can bring the machine to full working capacity.

5. Hire a Reliable Service Provider


You should hire a reliable service provider to help you get the most out of your air compressor investment. These experts can review and suggest fixes to the common problems faced by your system to ensure a long-lasting and reliable working performance.


ALSO READ: Buying Guide: Finding the Perfect Air Compressor for Your Business


These 5 essential tips prevent your air compressor from overheating and also allows your production line to operate efficiently and at maximum capacity.


Looking for a dependable air compressor for your business? You can browse the product lineup of Compresstech Resources, Inc. For over 34 years, we have provided our customers with high-quality compressors that have shaped us into one of the industry leaders in the Philippines. Contact us today for inquiries!


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