Compresstech Resources, Inc.

Steel and Metal

A Reliable Partner for Any Company in the Steel and Metal Industry

The Philippine steel and metal sector is pivotal to the nation’s economy, supplying vital components for the construction, energy, and transportation sectors. Like other heavy industries, working with metals demands reliable, cost-efficient processes, so state-of-the-art equipment is necessary to ensure safety, productivity, and a competitive edge.

How Compresstech Helps Companies in the Steel and Metal Industry

Compresstech Resources, Inc. supplies the Philippine steel industry with top-notch machinery, proudly offering leading brands like Armstrong, Airman, Ingersoll-Rand, and Sullivan-Palatek. Designed for metallurgy, our air compressors ensure reliable performance in diverse conditions. Our solutions also feature class 0 oil-free air compression, maintaining metal production integrity.

Applications of Air Compressors in the Steel and Metal Industry

Compressed air is used in nearly all aspects of metal-product manufacturing, including machining, fabricating, and casting operations. Clean, dry air with maintained pressure is critical to the success of computerized numerical control systems, including laser cutting and precision multi-axis grinding. In fact, they are equally crucial for coating and paint spraying processes.

Featured Tools and Equipment From Compresstech

Aside from high-quality air compressors, Compresstech Resources, Inc. can provide the following industrial equipment for companies in the steel and metal sector:

Fluid Handling Pumps

In any pumping system, the role of a pump is to apply pressure to move fluids through the different components. Fluid handling pumps are mechanical devices that add energy to liquid and increase its flow rate and static pressure. These devices have various models designed to handle industrial fluid elements.

Air Treatment Devices

Air treatment devices allow you to maintain a consistent flow of high-quality gas through your facility while removing any impurities from your supply lines. These devices remove particles from the air stream as they pass through them, so they do not get into your product during processing or manufacturing. 

Pneumatic Tools

A pneumatic tool is a device that uses compressed air to function. Compared to electric power tools, they are safer to operate and maintain as there is no risk of electrocution. They also have a higher power-to-weight ratio, which means they can do the same job as bigger, heavier tools despite being lighter.

Turn to Compresstech for Comprehensive Solutions

Compresstech Resources, Inc. provides companies in the Philippines with the following services:

Parts Replacement

We can replace the different parts of your air compressor regardless of its brand. With our large inventory of replacement parts and accessories for air compressors, you can rely on our skilled technicians to find the specific components you require and ensure precise work on your machine.

Conversion and Engineering

With our air compressor conversion and engineering services, our team of professionals can help turn your existing system into a more efficient and cost-effective one. Count on us to modify your machine’s components, such as motors and valves, to improve its performance.

Air Audits

Our team conducts air audits using specialized techniques that ensure the utilization of flow meters, pressure gauges, thermocouples, and other diagnostic equipment. These audits help determine the efficiency of your system by measuring parameters such as pressure drop, temperature rise, flow rate, power consumption, and more.

Talk to Our Experts

Get in touch with us today for additional information about how we can help you.