Compresstech Resources, Inc.

Do You Need Air Monitoring Equipment for Your Compressors? We Can Help

Compressed air is an important resource for companies in different industries. If your business uses compressed air systems, you should have devices that help you monitor the quality of the gas your machine produces so that your unit isn’t damaged while you operate it. These instrumentations can also ensure that your system will help you reach your required output quality.

Do You Need Air Monitoring Equipment for Your Compressors? We Can Help

Compressed air is an important resource for companies in different industries. If your business uses compressed air systems, you should have devices that help you monitor the quality of the gas your machine produces so that your unit isn’t damaged while you operate it. These instrumentations can also ensure that your system will help you reach your required output quality.

Get Air Monitoring Equipment From Compresstech

Aside from providing you with high-quality air compressors, we also offer air monitoring equipment that can help you measure the dew point or calculate the particle concentration of your pressurized gas. Rest easy knowing all our products are from trusted brands across the globe.

Display and Data Loggers

Compressed Air Purity Analyzer

Flow and Consumption Sensors

Flow Meter

Dew Point Sensors

Dew Point Monitor

Dew Point Meter

Compressed Air Meter

Compressed Air Particle Counter

Oil Vapor Sensor

Air Monitoring Equipment Software

Leak Detectors

Dew Point Transmitter

Temperature Sensors

Power Meters

Pressure Sensors

Current Clamp Sensor

How Air Monitoring Equipment Works

Compressed air contamination can be caused by different factors, such as ambient air, the machine itself, distribution piping, or the air receiver in the system. Once any of these sources are affected and not immediately repaired, you can expect the machine to deteriorate slowly. This can lead to a number of problems, including increased downtime, higher maintenance costs, and, in some extreme cases, explosions.


Some of the most common contaminants that may cause issues include condensed water, oil vapor, oil aerosol, dirt in the atmosphere, bacteria, and rust. All compressors are susceptible to all of these, which is why constant observation and regular upkeep are advised.


With quality air compressor accessories and solutions, you can effectively monitor your equipment and its outputs. These devices often have intuitive display systems that can provide you with accurate measurements. You can even use these numbers to make more informed decisions regarding maintenance and repair scheduling.

What Are the Applications of Air Monitoring Equipment?

You can use air monitoring equipment for various applications, including:

Flow and Consumption Sensing

To help measure the flow of air, detect any leaks, and ensure that your compressor is working well, you can use air monitoring equipment. These instruments can also measure the amount of gas being consumed by a machine and help you get a better understanding of how to optimize your system further.

Dew Point Sensing

The goal of dew point sensing is to accurately measure the relative humidity in an environment. Air monitoring equipment assesses how much water vapor has condensed in a compressor and what temperature it has reached before. This function is vital because it helps the system avoid overheating and overcooling, leading to costly repairs.

Display and Data Logging

Air monitoring equipment provides visual information about the status of the air compressor. This device can show the pressure, temperature, flow rate, and other important parameters. Aside from this, it can record data about the compressor’s performance over time for later analysis.

Talk to Our Experts

For additional information about the products and services we offer, reach out to Compresstech Resources, Inc. today. We will get back to you as soon as possible.