Compresstech Resources, Inc.

Streamline Your Mining Operations With Reliable Cutting Drilling Rigs

Cutting drilling rigs are machines used to bore holes in the ground during oil, gas, and mineral explorations. This machine uses high-pressure air to rotate and push the drill into the ground. It is commonly seen in geothermal energy drilling, infrastructure developments, and highway construction sites. 

Streamline Your Mining Operations With Reliable Cutting Drilling Rigs

Cutting drilling rigs are machines used to bore holes in the ground during oil, gas, and mineral explorations. This machine uses high-pressure air to rotate and push the drill into the ground. It is commonly seen in geothermal energy drilling, infrastructure developments, and highway construction sites. 

Get Cutting Drilling Rigs From Compresstech

At Compresstech Resources, we pride ourselves on being a leading supplier of cutting drilling rigs in the Philippines. Our products are known to meet the highest standards of performance and reliability because we only get drilling rigs from globally trusted brands that have a proven track record of excellence in the field of rig manufacturing.  

How Cutting Drilling Rigs Work

The cutting drilling rigs we offer use high-pressure air to facilitate the drilling process. The air compressors in these machines are connected to the drill string using a network of valves and hoses. As the compressed air flows to the drill string, it effectively forces the drill bit mechanism to rotate and penetrate the ground. 

As the drilling occurs, the machine expels high-pressure air into the hole to remove cutting and debris that might cause friction and low visibility. This system can run continuously as long as there is a supply of compressed air, making it a reliable tool for all kinds of operations. 

Most of these cutting drilling rigs are equipped with electronic monitoring systems that display real-time parameters like air pressure level, fuel level, exhaust temperature, and maintenance alert. This allows users to keep track of the machine’s condition and provide immediate solutions. 

What Are the Applications of Cutting Drilling Rigs?

Cutting drilling rigs are flexible machines that can be used in various industries and applications, including:

Transportation Construction

Setting a deep and stable foundation is important in the construction of an overpass, highway, or railway. Cutting drilling rigs can help create a straight, accurate, and stable hole where the foundation can be set. Additionally, it can create passages for underground utility installations for transport networks.

Real Estate Development

In real estate development, setting a good foundation for high-rise buildings is the equivalent of structural integrity. Cutting drilling rigs can be used to prepare the construction site and create boreholes for pilings and foundations. This machine can effectively drill a deep hole into the ground without disrupting the environment and creating instability. 

Geothermal Energy Wells

Cutting drilling rigs is the heart of geothermal energy drilling operations. These machines are used to reach deep into the earth for geothermal energy resources. A set of drilling pipes are continuously connected to its auxiliary pipe until the required depth is reached. The holes made by cutting drilling rigs are then used as a pathway for geothermal probe pipes. 

Talk to Our Experts

Contact our team at Compresstech so we can help you choose the ideal cutting drilling rig for your specific needs.