Compresstech Resources, Inc.

Compressed Air Dryers: Helping You Keep Your System Operational and Efficient

Moisture in compressed air can block control airlines, damage tools, and cause water hammer, leading to equipment damage. It also promotes corrosion, creating rust and scale that can foul lines and damage components. To avoid contaminating your products or damaging your system, you can install dryers to remove excess moisture from gas outputs and ensure everything works optimally.

Compressed Air Dryers: Helping You Keep Your System Operational and Efficient

Moisture in compressed air can block control airlines, damage tools, and cause water hammer, leading to equipment damage. It also promotes corrosion, creating rust and scale that can foul lines and damage components. To avoid contaminating your products or damaging your system, you can install dryers to remove excess moisture from gas outputs and ensure everything works optimally.

Get Compressed Air Dryers From Compresstech

To ensure your compressors work well, our team recommends incorporating air dryers into your system. We can provide you with the machines you need to ensure that you are able to create an efficient and reliable system. We even have a range of air treatment devices that you can choose from.

How Compressed Air Dryers Work

Ultimately, how your dryer protects your compressed air from excess moisture depends on what type you have. Refrigerated dryers utilize one or more heat exchangers to cool the gas, condense the bulk of the water, and remove the liquid using a separator. 

On the other hand, a compressed air dryer uses material such as activated alumina to absorb moisture from compressed air. Both machines help get the job done, but choosing one depends on what output you’re trying to achieve.

Although these two types are the most common, there are other models created for specific applications. For example, if you work with dangerous gases or liquids like benzene, you can opt for specialty gas and liquid dryers to safely remove moisture from specific products. If you work in an area that does not have reliable electricity, you can purchase a membrane or deliquescent dryer since these machines rely on different energy to function. 

What Are the Applications of Compressed Air Dryers?

Compressed air dryers play an essential role in any system. Here are a few things they do that highlight their importance:

Removes Water Contamination

Water contamination can cause serious problems in industries that utilize high-purity compressed air. For example, if you have a food manufacturing company and your gas contains excess moisture and other impurities, you risk the quality of your products as well as the health of your customers.

Prevents Water Buildup

Compressing air often causes diffused water vapor to precipitate. When gas is supplied to downstream equipment at this stage, there is a risk of water buildup in smaller cavities or depressions within the system. This can cause problems later on since the excess fluid can affect the operation of sensitive technologies, including measuring and monitoring devices.

Abates Corrosion

The presence of water inside your equipment can cause corrosion on steel surfaces, such as pipes, tanks, vessels, drums, and more. As a result, the buildup of rust can slow down your system’s operation and possibly lead to product or process stream contamination. If not prevented early on, you may be forced to shell out more money and get a brand-new air compressor.

Talk to Our Experts

Contact Compresstech Resources, Inc. today to learn more about the compressed air dryers we offer to clients in the Philippines.